DCHS Students Celebrate Homecoming With Parade

School spirit was on display Friday afternoon as students from DeKalb County High School celebrated the last day of Homecoming Week with a parade from the school to downtown.
The Tiger football team’s homecoming opponent Friday night is the Upperman Bees and each float in the parade had a Tiger versus Bees theme.
The parade featured the Homecoming Queen and her court, the DCHS Fighting Tiger Band, county and city law enforcement officers and fire fighters, DeKalb EMS, and State Senator Mae Beavers, among others.
The Sophomore Class took first place with their float called “Tigers Exterminate the Bees” The float depicted a huge can of bee spray, a large Tiger paw pressing the spray button, and a large stuffed bee dying from the spray.
The Senior Class won second place with their float called “Tigers Hurl the Bees”. This float had a large stuffed Tiger throwing bees through the goal post, hitting a bee hive.
Third place went to the FCCLA Club for their float entry called “Tigers Smoke out the Bees”. This float had an old time black cook stove with smoke coming out, a bee hive, and a Tiger cooking the bees with dead bees lying around.
The Junior Class took fourth place with their float called “DeKalb Tigers Swat Down the Bees. The float depicted a large stuffed bee being swatted by a giant fly swatter, held by a Tiger standing near the bee hive.
The Freshman Class received fifth place with their float called “Rock on Tigers, Beat the Bees” The float featured a LIVE Rock Band with lots of balloons.
Winners of the best decorated vehicles in the parade were: First place- Keshia Byford; Second place- Kelsey Foutch; and Third place- Katie Herman.
Winners of the best decorated classroom doors at DCHS were: First place- Amanda Brown; Second place- Donna Emmons; and Third place- Marie Hill (library)
Winners of the best decorated business category were: First place- Shamrock; Second place- The law office of Sue Puckett-Jernigan; Third place- Region’s Bank; and Fourth place-Atnip Chiropractic Clinic.

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