Enoch Predicts Lower Natural Gas Costs This Winter

Natural gas customers could see lower home heating costs this winter
Les Enoch, CEO of Middle Tennessee Natural Gas, says circumstances that drove prices up this time last year have changed this year. ” Natural gas prices have dropped drastically and we’ve lowered our rates as well. If the weather this winter is the same as last year, gas bills should be about 20% lower.”
“We didn’t have the hurricanes that were predicted like we had last year and that has made a big difference and the gas supply in underground storage has also been pretty significant and that’s had a big impact on it. This time last year was a different situation. We were focusing on devastation to the Gulf Coast region during a very active hurricane season and we were also confronted with high energy prices on a nationwide basis.”
Enoch urges consumers to conserve as much energy as possible to save even more money this winter. “It’s fall light up season. We provide free safety inspections and pilot lighting in preparation for the winter season. It’s also a good time top consider winterizing your homes, take a look at your insulation, and weatherstripping, change the filters, and keep your thermostats as low as comfortable because that’s another good way to save on your gas bill.”

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