VFW Hosts Memorial Day Weekend Breakfast

The VFW POST 7623 held a Memorial Day weekend breakfast service Sunday morning and honored Gold Star Mother Norene Anderson, whose son, Ronnie Reeder, was killed during the Vietnam War.
Other Gold Star Mothers were invited to attend, but apparently could not be present.
Ms. Anderson says she is thankful that there are still some people who recognize the sacrifices of those who have served their country. “I appreciate the VFW for all they do to remember those people who gave their lives.”
County Mayor Mike Foster, the guest speaker, says all veterans and those who died in action, should be remembered and those who have survived since World War II should be interviewed and their stories recorded on videotape for posterity. He says the county plans to do that with the help of Historians and local veterans groups.
At the conclusion of the program, a wreath was laid at the monument outside the VFW building, which bears the names of local servicemen who died during the nations wars.

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