Emergency Responders Test Readiness During Mock Storm

Local emergency responders tested their readiness during a mock disaster Friday afternoon .
Charlie Parker, DeKalb County Emergency Management Agency Coordinator, told WJLE that the exercise involved tornado touchdowns causing damage in the area of Mount Herman Baptist Church and at a subdivision training field belonging to Middle Tennessee Natural Gas off Main Street. “We simulated a tornado touchdown in two or three different spots in the city and the county. We then called the appropriate agencies to respond to see how our flow of communication worked and to make sure we called all the right agencies. We observed how the agencies worked together on the scene and how they communicated in getting the patients transported so the hospital could practice their part in having several patients at one time. We also checked with surrounding counties to see how many ambulances, helicopters, and police officers could come to help us if we were to have a major incident. We had a total of nine patients who were picked up and transported to the hospital. The exercise went very well. We practiced every aspect of it from the rescue crews finding the patients and then EMS getting them loaded onto the ambulances and taken to the hospital. It all seemed to work very well,” said Parker.
The exercise was staged by members of the DeKalb County Local Emergency Planning Committee. Among the organizations and agencies participating in the drill were the DeKalb County Sheriff’s Department, DeKalb County Fire Department, DeKalb County Rescue Squad, DeKalb EMS, DeKalb County E911 Center, DeKalb Emergency Management, Smithville Police Department, Smithville Fire Department, Public works/utilities, DeKalb/Cannon County Amateur Radio Club, DeKalb Community Hospital, Tennessee Emergency Management Agency, and the DeKalb County School System.

Ward Charged with Violation of Sex Offender Registry

The DeKalb County Sheriff’s Department recently arrested a convicted sex offender.
58 year old Charles Henry Ward of Shady Drive, Smithville is charged with a violation of the sex offender registry. He made his first General Sessions Court appearance on Thursday November 6 and Judge Bratten Cook, II revoked Ward’s bond. He will be in court again on December 4.
Sheriff Patrick Ray said that on Monday, October 27 Ward was found to be living in his vehicle in the parking lot of a church on Old Snow Hill Road, within one thousand feet of a child’s athletic recreation center in violation of the sex offender registry law. According to Sheriff Ray, Ward committed the offense of second degree sexual assault in Texas on December 1, 1994 which resulted in him having to be included on the sex offender registry. Ward registered in DeKalb County on March 28, 2014.
37 year old James Allen Hesson of Big Hurricane Road, Smithville is charged with a second offense of driving on a revoked license. His bond is $1,500 and he will be in court December 11. Sheriff Ray said that on Wednesday, November 5 a deputy was traveling on Highway 56 south when he saw Hesson operating a vehicle. Having prior knowledge that Hesson’s license were revoked, the officer conducted a traffic stop. A computer check confirmed that Hesson’s license were revoked for failure to satisfy a citation in 2010. Hesson also had a prior driving on revoked charge in 2013. He was placed under arrest.
40 year old Autumn Danielle White of Page Drive, Smithville is charged with driving while license suspended and evading arrest. Sheriff Ray said that on May 30 a deputy saw a white four door car, driven by White. The car was setting at the intersection of Smith Fork Road and the Alexandria to Dismal Road. Having prior knowledge that White’s license were suspended, the deputy tried to pull over the vehicle to speak with White but she drove away. The officer followed her for several miles but then terminated the pursuit at Hurricane Creek Road in Cannon County. A computer check confirmed that White’s license had been suspended for violation of the implied consent law. White also has outstanding warrants against her from Rutherford County. She was found and arrested Thursday, November 6 on these charges along with a Circuit Court violation of probation and three failure to appear offenses against her. White’s bond totals $22,500 but she is being held without bond for the violation of probation. She will be in court again on December 4.
20 year old David Melvin Speake of East Bryant Street, Smithville is charged with criminal impersonation. His bond is $1,500 and he will be in court December 4. Sheriff Ray said that on Sunday, November 9 an officer confronted Speake with active warrants against him from another county. Speake identified himself as 18 year old David Serrano. The name was proven to be false.

Two Men Caught with Meth Lab

Two men have been arrested by the DeKalb County Sheriff’s Department after having been found in a barn with a meth lab.
26 year old Terry Ray Barnes of Red Road, McMinnville and 32 year old Christopher Sam White of Young Green Road, Smithville are each charged with initiation of a process to manufacture methamphetamine. Bond for each is $100,000 and they will be in court on December 11.
Sheriff Patrick Ray said that on Friday, November 7 a sheriff’s department deputy received a call from a resident on Jefferson Road that two men had been seen in a barn and that an odd smell was coming from there. Upon arrival, the officer spoke with a woman, apparently the owner of the barn, who said she had seen the two men and that the odor coming from the barn was making her sick. The officer asked for and received permission to search the barn and there he found the two men, Barnes and White sleeping. He also found a meth lab consisting of five plastic funnels, a Coleman cook top stove, Coleman butane fuel, digital scales, Coleman fuel, plastic tubing, a Pyrex dish, large Mason jar, 50 coffee filters, Crystal Drano, lithium batteries, ph test strips, and an electric pill grinder, a metal plate containing a white powdery substance, and a bottle containing four ounces of muriatic acid. Barnes and White were awakened and placed under arrest. A computer check revealed White had been convicted earlier this year in a separate meth case.

Couple Uses Child to Smuggle Pill into the Jail

A prisoner at the DeKalb County Jail and his wife have been charged with having contraband in a penal institution and child abuse and neglect after trying to use their eight year old child to smuggle a pill into the jail.
24 year old Justin Dale Estes and 30 year old Ashley Nicole Estes of Wade Street, Smithville are each under a $20,000 bond and will be in court December 11.
Sheriff Patrick Ray said that on Thursday, November 6 Justin Estes, serving a sentence in the DeKalb County Jail, was visited by his wife Ashley Estes and their children. Before the visitation, a Sheriff’s Department Detective found a pill in the coat pocket of the Estes’ eight year old daughter and learned that it was placed in the coat by Mrs. Estes. According to Sheriff Ray, Justin Estes admitted that he had told his wife to put a pill in the child’s coat pocket. The pill was believed to be an eight milligram suboxone. If ingested, Sheriff Ray said the pill could have caused the child to suffer serious sickness or death. Mrs. Estes told the detective that she had previously brought drugs into the jail for her husband on different occasions by putting them in the clothing of her children, according to Sheriff Ray.

Liquor Not New to DeKalb County

It’s been just over a week since Smithville residents and property rights voters decided through a referendum to make the city “wet” by allowing alcohol sales in retail package (liquor) stores. But legal liquor sales is really not new to DeKalb County. In recent years several dining establishments outside the city but in the county have been selling liquor by the drink, licensed by the Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commission, after being designated by the state as “Premiere Tourist Resort” properties.
Premier Resort status can be granted by the state to allow businesses in specific locations to obtain an “On Premises Consumption” or Liquor by the Drink license regardless of local restrictions.
Under certain conditions, businesses may qualify to apply for a liquor license with passage of an amendment to the “Premiere Tourist Resort Act” by the state legislature making them eligible. Once businesses have that authority from the state, they may seek a liquor license from the Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commission. If approved, the license is renewable annually.
The DeKalb County Beer Board, which grants local beer permits, has no authority over the issuance of liquor licenses by the state.
DeKalb County businesses that currently sell liquor by the drink are the Inn at Evins Mill, the Blue Water Grille at Hurricane Marina, the Fish Lipz restaurant at Pates Ford Marina, Turtles Bar and Grill on the Sparta Highway, and the Wheelhouse Restaurant at Sligo Marina
William Cochran, owner of the Inn at Evins Mill, said his establishment first obtained a license to sell beer from the DeKalb County Beer board several years ago and he later decided to seek authority from the state to receive a liquor license. In an interview with WJLE Tuesday, Cochran said the decision to obtain a liquor license at the Inn at Evins Mill has proven to have been a good one for the business
“From my perspective it has worked out extremely well for all stakeholders. One of the stakeholders being the business. Obviously, it has helped the business generate a stream of revenue that it would not otherwise be able to generate and it’s not an insignificant stream of revenue. It has also benefitted the business because it tangibly enhances the experience of our guests when they are able to enjoy a glass of wine at dinner when they were not able to before this. It’s helped with the guest experience. It’s helped with the bottom line. It’s certainly helped with the guest experience in terms of them not having to bring their own wine with them which I think a lot of our guests appreciate. I think it provides a lovely, safe, and responsible environment for our guests to enjoy a glass of wine at dinner without having to get in their car and go somewhere. I think that’s a particular nice aspect of it,” said Cochran.
“Certainly it’s able to generate a not insignificant amount of revenue for the county that would not otherwise have been generated over the past seven years. We just expanded our facility from twelve to twenty rooms so our business is about to head into a whole new period of growth and the ability to sell alcohol builds upon that,” he said
“Probably ninety five to ninety seven percent of our revenues on an annual basis come from tourists, travelers, vacationers, or groups that are traveling to Evins Mill from outside the county whether it’s to host an off-site meeting or whether it’s to host a wedding or whether it’s just a couple that’s coming to celebrate an anniversary or a honeymoon. Certainly most of our business is from middle Tennessee, Davidson County, Williamson County, Sumner County, etc. That’s not to say we don’t appreciate the folks that patronize our dining room from Smithville, but it just doesn’t happen to be a whole lot of our business right now,” said Cochran.
While city voters narrowly approved alcohol sales in retail package stores in Smithville last week, they defeated a referendum to allow restaurants in the city to obtain a license to sell alcohol for on premises consumption ( liquor by the drink).

State Releases Report Card on DeKalb County Schools

The state’s 2014 Report Card for DeKalb County Schools reveals that the system received A’s and B’s in the areas of achievement and value added growth in grades 3-8.
Students take the TCAP tests in the spring. The report card released last week represents data collected from the spring of 2014 for the state, school districts and individual schools. As in its past version, the report card also includes end-of-course exam percentages, ACT results, graduation percentages and other school-related profile information.
The DeKalb County School System earned B’s in Math, Reading, and Science while Social Studies received an A. Even though a letter grade is the same as last year, the actual scores were up for Math and Social Studies. “Achievement is a measure of how well students performed on the TCAP tests in 2014. How high did they score? Were they proficient? “There are many areas to celebrate that showed an improvement over 2013,” remarked Data Analyst Lisa Bell.
(Value Added) Growth is measured by comparing test performance over the previous years of testing,” said Bell. Value Added or (Growth) grades were as follows: A in Math; B in Reading, Science and Social Studies. These are the same letters grade as the 2013 Report Card from the State. Social Studies did show an increase in growth over 2013.
The DCHS graduation rate was 94.9% for 2014 which is well above the state average of 87.2%.
The DCHS Junior and Senior Classes ACT Composite three year average was 18.3. This falls short of the predicted ACT score of 19.3. The state’s average was 19.3. Officials say ACT study online courses have been implemented at DCHS for students to help improve ACT results.
DeKalb County High School End of Course Valued Added Growth for Algebra I and II, English I, English II, and English III, Biology I, Chemistry, and US History are also shown on the Report Card. Instead of letters grades, the high school subjects receive a status of “Above”, “NDD”, or” Below”. Above indicates that the test averages for that subject were above the predicted scores. The “NDD” status indicates those End Of Course subjects are meeting the predicted scores. The “Below” status indicates students did not score at the level predicted for that subject. Algebra I, II, English I, and US History moved from a “Below” status in 2013 to “NDD” for 2014 which means all of those subjects are meeting value added expectations. English II and III continued to receive the “Below” status. “Biology had above average growth again last year,” said Bell. “This is the first year to release Chemistry results for End Of Course testing in Tennessee,” stated Bell. Chemistry also met the standard for growth.
“I’m very proud of the Report Card. The growth that has been made and the accomplishments that have happened,” said Director of Schools Mark Willoughby. “When I look at some of our other school systems surrounding us, I am pleased with how DeKalb County Schools are doing compared to those schools. What would really be wonderful is if parents would send a note to the teachers telling them that you appreciate their hard work. More has been put on the plates of teachers in Tennessee and in my opinion; they have been less appreciated by the state department of education in the last few years than they ever have been. They are doing more and working harder than they ever have. I think we owe our teachers in DeKalb County and across the state of Tennessee more than we could ever pay them for what they do in shaping the lives of our children. I think we should show our appreciation to them more and more every day,” said Willoughby.
For the 2013-14 school year, DeKalb Middle School’s achievement improved in Science and Social Studies from “B’s” to “A’s”. The scores increased from 54 to 56 for both Science and Social Studies. Math and Reading maintained “B’s”.
Growth for DeKalb Middle School’s State Report for Social Studies was a “B’” this year. Both
Math and Science fell from “A’s” in 2013 to “B’s for 2014. Reading maintained a “D” and continues to be
an area of focus in the county.
Northside’s State Report Card for achievement shows a slight score increase in Math and Science over the previous year. Reading achievement fell from a 52 to a 50, and Social Studies maintained a score of 52.
“B’s” were earned for all academic subjects for achievement in the 2013-2014 school year.
Growth for Northside’s State Report Card improved over the previous year. Math, Reading, Science, and Social Studies earned all “A’s” for the 2013-2014 school year. Math improved from a 4.6 to a 5.7. Reading fell from a 5.3 to a 2.9. Science increased from a 1.5 to a 2.9. Social Studies increased from a 2.2 to 2.6.
DeKalb West School’s State Report Card for achievement shows that Math maintained a ”B” while Reading, Science and Social Studies all maintained “A’s” for the 2013-2014 school year. While achievement scores maintained for Reading at 56, Math, Science and Social Studies fell slightly.
Growth for DeKalb West School’s State Report Card shows that Math and Social Studies maintained “B’s”. Science growth decreased from a “C” to a “D”, and Reading growth maintained an “A”.
Results at Smithville Elementary mirror Northside Elementary because it is considered a feeder school.
Accountability answers the question (Did the district meet the proficiency goals set by the state?)
DeKalb County met 9 out of 11 of these goals. This exceeded the state’s requirement of 6 out of 11 to meet accountability. Reward schools are also a part of Tennessee’s accountability system.
The state recognizes the top 5% of schools across Tennessee each year based on achievement and/or progress which is growth. Northside Elementary has been identified as a Reward School for progress (growth) this year.
The 2014 state Report Card offers the ability for the public to view detailed breakdowns for each school and district across the state. The new design was released with the 2013 Report Card and offers users the ability to create personalized comparisons between state, school, and districts on the following measures: achievement, ACT scores, graduation rate, student enrollment and ethnicity, and value-added composite scores. As an example, parents and community members can now compare individual schools or districts to see how well they are preparing students for college and careers, or to see which has a higher percentage of students on grade level in a specific subject area The Report Card site also features a new College and Career Readiness tab. This tab includes data on graduation rates, ACT scores, college readiness benchmarks, and the percentage of students who are eligible to receive the HOPE Scholarship.
“We think it’s important for parents and students, as well as school and district leaders, to know how well their schools are doing each year,” said Education Commissioner Kevin Huffman.
As the state strives to advance outcomes for all Tennessee students, these results allow educators to identify areas that need the most improvement. Through its regional offices, the department provides resources, support, and expert analysis to help districts and schools with data-driven interventions.

F.Z. Webb & Sons Gifts to Host Book Signing

F.Z. Webb & Sons Gifts will host a book signing by Dr. Mary A. Evins on Friday, November 14 from 1-5 p.m. and Saturday, November 15 from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m.
Evins’ new book is titled “Tennessee Women in the Progressive Era, Toward the Public Sphere in the New South”. It examines the work of Tennessee women progressives at the turn of the last century as agents of social change in their communities across the state.
Discussions of Tennessee women’s history during the Progressive Era tend to focus narrowly on the critical issue of suffrage and the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment. While the achievement of Tennessee’s suffragists remains a feather in the state’s historic cap—pushing the legislature to cast the votes that settled the issue for the nation—reform-minded Tennessee women in the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries participated in a wide range of other public-sphere activities. The first exploration of the work and lives of Progressive Era Tennessee women beyond their involvement in the battle for the right to vote, this pioneering compilation provides a fuller portrait of the work undertaken by these bold activists to improve the lives of their fellow citizens.
Ranging in subject matter from the role of women’s missionary organizations and efforts to end lynching to the challenges of agricultural reform and the development of stronger educational institutions, these essays consider a wide variety of reform efforts that engaged progressive women in Tennessee before, during, and after the suffrage movement. Throughout, the contributors emphasize the influence of religion on women’s reform efforts and examine the ways in which these women expanded their public roles while at the same time professing loyalty to more traditional models of womanhood. In demonstrating Tennessee women’s engagement with politics long before they had the vote, ran for office, or served on juries, these essays also support the argument that a broader definition of “politics” permits a fuller incorporation of women’s public activities into U.S. political history.
By focusing on the actual work reform-minded women performed, whether paid employment or volunteer efforts, this anthology illustrates myriad ways in which these individuals engaged their communities and reveals the motivations that drove them to improve society. Marshaling precise and detailed evidence that illuminates the meanings of progressivism to Tennessee’s female activists, the essays in this valuable compendium connect Tennessee women to the larger movements for reform that dominated the early-twentieth-century American experience.
Dr. Evins is a research professor with the Center for Historic Preservation and teaches history in the MTSU Department of History, University Honors College, and College of Graduate Studies. She received her B.A. in history and anthropology and M.A.T. in history and sociology from Vanderbilt University, and A.M. and Ph.D. from the University of Chicago in anthropology with an emphasis on culture history, regional landscape studies, and material culture. Her dissertation research on urbanization and exchange economies along the Euphrates river developed from multinational field work projects in Kurdish communities in southeastern Turkey, near the Syrian border. During graduate school, Evins worked in research fellowship capacities at the Oriental Institute at the University of Chicago and the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., among other museums and research institutions in the U.S. and internationally.
For Middle Tennessee State University, Evins coordinates the American Democracy Project (ADP), a national initiative of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities. The American Democracy Project promotes civic learning across academic disciplines, intentional development and practice of citizenship skills as fundamental charges of higher education, and university student engagement as critical to lifelong active citizenship. As head of ADP MTSU, Evins works with civic groups and present-day diversity and social justice organizations, to integrate broader understandings and cross-cultural experiences and opportunities into student life, to strengthen MTSU student citizenship and students’ growth in awareness of American heritage and their personal responsibilities in a participatory democracy.

Veterans Honored During Local Observance (VIEW VIDEO)

The men and women who put their lives on the line to protect our freedom were honored in a special Veterans Day program Tuesday morning at the DeKalb County Complex auditorium.
The observance featured performances of patriotic music by members of the DeKalb County High School Chorus and Band, a rendition of the Star Spangled Banner by State Representative Terri Lynn Weaver, and a keynote address by Norman J. Nuismer, Middle Tennessee Vice-Commander of the American Legion.
“Have you ever thought about the five reasons why we are here today? The United States Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. Those are the five reasons. It’s important to remember that veterans are defending us 365 days a year. Heroism has been demonstrated time and again by veterans from the American Revolution to the Global War on Terrorism. Our debt to these veterans can never be repaid but our gratitude and respect must last forever. Veterans have given us freedom, security, and the greatest nation on earth. It’s impossible to put a price on that. We must remember them. We must appreciate them. God bless our veterans and God bless America,” said Nuismer during his remarks.

Boy Scout Troop 347 presented flags to start the program followed by a prayer and a pledge to the flag. Several local veterans attended the observance and were applauded as they were asked to stand and be recognized.

At the conclusion of the program, veterans boarded a school bus for a ride downtown to the site of the veterans memorial monument, escorted by city police and fire departments and county deputies. Local minister Larry Green offered a closing prayer and State Representative Weaver led the attendees in singing God Bless America.
Veterans then boarded the bus again and were taken back to the county complex for a delicious Veteran’s Day meal served by Senior Citizens and the local chapter of Woodmen of the World.

Woman Charged with Six Counts of Prescription Fraud

Smithville Police have charged a woman with six counts of prescription fraud.
35 year old Brandi McPheron is under a $30,000 bond.
According to Chief Randy Caplinger, McPheron signed for and picked up prescriptions for the schedule IV drug Tramadol on six occasions at Rite Aid Pharmacy from August 11 to October 24. Each prescription was for 60, 50 milligrams.
Chief Caplinger said a pharmacy representative reported to police that on each occasion, someone had called Rite Aid purporting to be from Mercy Clinic Family Medicine in Holister, Missouri on behalf of Dr. William Zeller ordering a prescription for Kari Stevens.
Police were notified and arrested McPheron when she came to pick up the prescription on October 24.
According to Chief Caplinger, Dr. Zeller was contacted and denied having a patient by the name Kari Stevens and said that the clinic in Missouri had not phoned in any prescriptions.
Meanwhile, 24 year old Kevin Addison is charged with aggravated domestic assault. His bond is $5,000 and he will be in court November 13. Chief Caplinger said that on Wednesday, November 5 police responded to a residence at Bell Street Apartments in reference to a domestic assault. Upon arrival, an officer spoke with Addison who said he had been in an argument with his girlfriend. When he saw his girlfriend in a car talking on a phone, Addison went to the vehicle to get something out of it and asked her who she was talking to. She wouldn’t tell him. As she tried to exit the car, Addison allegedly grabbed the woman by the shirt to stop her and also tried to choke her for a few seconds before letting go. She was found to have scratches on her neck. Addison was placed under arrest.
53 year old Timothy Ervin, Jr. is charged with a second offense of driving under the influence and three counts of possession of a schedule II drug. His bond totals $10,500 and he will be in court on November 20. Chief Caplinger said that on Saturday, October 18 police were dispatched to West Broad Street in response to a reckless driver traveling east. An officer spotted the vehicle and followed it for about a half mile. The vehicle was weaving erratically. The officer pulled it over at East Side Citgo. The driver, Ervin had slurred speech and a strong odor of an intoxicating beverage was coming from the automobile. Ervin was asked to perform field sobriety tasks but he could not complete them due to his condition. He was placed under arrest. While conducting an inventory of Ervin’s vehicle, police discovered three different kinds of pills in a prescription bottle. Ervin’s prescription was for Hydrocodone but none of the pills in the bottle matched the prescription. The pills were sent to the crime lab for identification.
28 year old Demetria Phillips and her mother 50 year old Lisa Ann Davis are each cited for theft of property. They are to appear in court on November 20. Chief Caplinger said that an officer was recently called to Walmart in reference to a theft. Upon arrival, the officer spoke with Phillips who said that she had placed merchandise in a basket and while she was paying for other items, her mother took the basket with the unpaid merchandise out of the store to their vehicle. The items were valued at $189.79.
53 year old Deborah Lynn Thistlethwaite is charged with driving under the influence and cited for possession of a schedule VI drug (marijuana) and possession of drug paraphernalia (pipe). Her bond is $1,500 and she will be in court on November 20. Chief Caplinger said that on Wednesday, October 22 police responded to a residence on West Main Street in reference to a possible DUI. Upon arrival, an officer spoke with Thistlethwaite who was in a vehicle. He detected a strong odor of alcohol coming from the automobile. As Thistlethwaite exited the vehicle, the officer smelled alcohol on her person. Her speech was slurred and she was unsteady on her feet. Thistlewaite submitted to and performed poorly on field sobriety tasks. While being placed under arrest, the officer found in Thistlewaite’s right front pocket a small plastic bag containing a green leafy substance believed to be marijuana and a small metal pipe commonly used to smoke marijuana.
27 year old Lakota Dawn Hale and her husband 23 year old Anthony Hale are each charged with domestic assault. Lakota is also charged with simple possession of a schedule II drug. Her bond is $4,000. His bond is $2,500. They will be in court on November 20. Chief Caplinger said that on Thursday, October 23 police were summoned to a residence on Estes Street due to a hang up call. Upon arrival, an officer spoke with Hale who said that he and his wife had gotten into an argument which turned into a physical altercation. After being placed under arrest, an officer found on Lakota a prescription bottle containing three small pills believed to be Hydrocodone. The prescription on the bottle was for Xanax.

City to Establish Liquor Ordinance

A week after Smithville voters approved a referendum to permit retail package stores (liquor stores) to sell alcoholic beverages in the municipality by a vote of 406 to 401, city officials report that several persons have inquired about how to get a license. But it may be weeks or months before the Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commission issues a license in Smithville.
In an interview with WJLE Friday, Ginna Winfrey, assistant director for the Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commission said there are yet several steps for the city to take. “The city needs to send us the certified election results from the election commission. The city will then need to contact MTAS (Municipal Technical Advisory Service). MTAS will help them (city) get the proper ordinances in place they will need and to develop their own Certificate of Compliance that will need to be issued as the very first stage for getting a liquor store in Smithville”.
“The Certificate of Compliance is statutory. Some of the basic things that are set out in Title 57 is that the Certificate of Compliance has to certify that individuals who have applied for the Retail Package Store license have not been convicted of a felony within the past ten years. It also has to state that they (applicants) have a secured location and that the location complies with all the zoning requirements and ordinances in the municipality,” she said.
“After they have their Certificate of Compliance, they (applicants) can fill out an application with us (Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commission) and they will have to take out a public notice in the newspaper. Then a meeting will be set up with one of our agents and they (applicants) will have to interview. A financial investigation will also be done to ensure they have the financial viability to own and operate a liquor store,” said Winfrey.
Applicants who meet all the conditions for a liquor license from the Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commission may also qualify to sell beer.”As of July 1, 2014 with the Wine in Grocery Stores (law) this allowed retail package stores to sell beer without an additional license. The only license needed for retail package stores to be able to sell beer and other items is a license from the Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commission,” said Winfrey.
City Administrator Hunter Hendrixson told WJLE Monday that MTAS has been contacted to give city aldermen guidance on establishing the proper ordinances and procedures. It will also be up to the aldermen whether to limit the number of licensed liquors stores in Smithville. “I met with MTAS this past Friday and they’ll be assisting in developing an ordinance for the city along with any other assistance the city needs. I’ve also spoken with several other municipalities that have liquor stores to get an idea of how the revenue side of it works and to see how much other cities are collecting off tax revenues,” he said.
Once the city approves an applicant’s certificate of compliance to operate a retail liquor store, the process then moves to the Tennessee ABC Commission for a final decision.
The Tennessee ABC Commission requires applicants to meet the following conditions:
*Fill out an application form
*Fill out a questionaire: Owners, partners, officers, managers and/or any person who owns five percent (5%) or more in the corporation or the business, should complete these forms
*Certificate of Compliance: The Certificate of Compliance may be obtained from the local municipality Mayor’s office
*Certificate of Occupancy: The Certificate of Occupancy is issued by the local municipality’s Codes Department
*Proof of Possession : A copy of the lease must be furnished to this office. Along with the lease, a copy of the Deed (registered with the Registrar of Deed’s Office) must be furnished also. If the application is for a change of ownership, a copy of the Bill of Sale or Purchase Agreement must be provided.
*Charter from the State of Tennessee: (This document is required only if the applicant is a corporation, a limited liability company (LLC) or a formal partnership). A copy of the Tennessee charter must be furnished to this office and it may be obtained from the Tennessee Secretary of State’s Office, 6th Floor, William Snodgrass Building, 7th Avenue North between Charlotte Avenue and Union Avenue, Nashville, Tennessee, telephone (615) 741-2286
*List of Officers and or owners of corporations: A separate list of officers (with their titles) and owners with five percent (5%) or more of ownership, indicating amount of percentage of ownership, must be furnished with the application. Please use form AB-0099.
*Waiver of any right to an administrative hearing by applicant
*Tennessee Sales Tax Number
*Copy of Newspaper Notice and Sworn Statement Regarding the Publication: Prior to the Certificate of Compliance hearing date, a newspaper notice must be published in the local newspaper for three (3) consecutive issues. Further, an affidavit from the local newspaper should be provided verifying publication.
*An inspection will be conducted by a TABC agent after the application has been reviewed by the local TABC office.
*Financial Background Check of Applicant
*Credit Check from Banking/Lending Institution
*Employee Permits: All employees must obtain an employee permit card. See Retail Employee permit (blue card) information.