Smithville Elementary School Observes Veterans Appreciation Day

A Veterans Appreciation assembly program was held Thursday morning at Smithville Elementary School in recognition of Veteran’s Day Friday, November 11th.
Patriotic music was played as students from pre-kindergarten to the second grade filed into the gymnasium for the assembly program. Scouts presented the colors. Students, teachers, and guests stood for the Star Spangled Banner and the Pledge of Allegiance.
Principal Dr. Bill Tanner introduced the honored guests including local veterans Paul Robinson (Navy), Carlton Miller(Army), James Dean (Army), Daniel Flynn (Navy), John Hummer(Marines), Ronnie Redmon (Air Force), Clyde Medley (Army), Larry Green (Air Force), Jimmy Sprague (Army), Edward Frazier (Army), Edsel Frazier(Army), Walter Johnson (Army), and Charles Olson(Army & Air Force)
Dr. Tanner also mentioned the names of three other young men who are currently serving in Afghanistan from this area including David Hinton (Navy), Troy Hinton(Navy), and Nick Lester (Army) who left on a plane today (Thursday) to return to Afghanistan.
Adrienne McCormick read the following “Veterans Day” poem by Cheryl Dyson:
“On Veterans Day we honor all,
Who answered to a service call,
Soldiers young, and soldiers old,
Fought for freedom, brave and bold
Some have lived, while others died,
And all of them deserve our pride,
We’re proud of all the soldiers who,
Kept thinking of red, white, and blue,
They fought for us and all our rights,
They fought through many days and nights,
And though we may not know each name,
We thank ALL veterans just the same.”
Each class at the school has written letters which were collected Thursday morning to be mailed to local veterans.
Kelly Birmingham led the students in singing “God Bless the USA”
After the program, many of the students filed by each veteran shaking their hand in a show of respect and appreciation for their service to our country.
The purpose of the assembly was to honor veterans and try to instill in these children at an early
age the importance of the men and women who have dedicated their lives to the service of our country.
The Veterans Appreciation Day program was organized by teachers Jan Thomas, Janet Woodward, Beth Cantrell, and Margaret Nichols.

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