Relay For Life Brings People Together in Fight Against Cancer (View Videos Here)

In what has been a DeKalb County tradition for eighteen years now, the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life successfully brought together hundreds of people Friday evening who wanted to show their support for and honor the memories of their loved ones who have been afflicted with cancer.

Greenbrook Park was filled with folks who gathered to help in the battle against cancer, inspired by this year’s theme,” Cancer: Not here, Not there, Not anywhere”.

The program from the stage featured singers and church groups along with a special performance by Darrin Vincent and daughter Victoria. The opening ceremony included presentation of the Colors by Boy Scout Troop #347, the National Anthem performed by Suzanne Slager, welcoming remarks by Renea Cantrell and a song in honor of cancer survivors by Shelley Cross and Bonnie Rigsby.
Cancer survivors, introduced and presented with a medallion, took the first lap around the walking trail in the park.
Teams joined together to raise money to aid in the battle against cancer.
The walking track was also lined with luminaria in honor or remembrance of those who have battled cancer.
At Relay For Life events, communities across the globe come together to honor cancer survivors, remember loved ones lost, and fight back against a disease that has already taken too much. The funds you raise truly make a difference in the fight against cancer – just ask one of the nearly 14 million cancer survivors who will celebrate another birthday this year!

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