Police Department and City Leaders Present Commendation To Chief Stufano

The Smithville Police Department and city leaders have presented an Official Police Commendation to Chief Thomas J. Stufano.
The commendation was signed by Mayor Taft Hendrixson, Police Commissioner Aaron Meeks, Lieutenant Patrol Division Commander Steven Leffew, Lieutenant Special Services Commander Richard Jennings, and Lieutenant Detective/Internal Affairs Commander Steve Deffendoll.
It states that “This commendation is presented to you on behalf of all of the Police Officers and Staff of the Smithville Police Department.”
“Due to your superior leadership and guidance, you have provided us with a professional agency that we are proud and honored to be apart of. It is said that a good leader leads by example’. The example you have displayed as our Chief through your professionalism and understanding has firmly established our confidence in you as a great leader of people and the officers of this agency.”
“It is with great pleasure that we show our sincerest gratitude to you for significantly elevating this agency’s standards and also for being genuinely interested in our safety and professionalism.”
“We pledge to you that your tireless efforts to establish a professional workforce not go unheeded and we as a total department will continue to strive for excellence in our duties as Police Officers for the residents of this city.”
“On behalf of the entire City of Smithville Police Department, we would like to commend you for your actions and diligent efforts in your capacity as this agency’s Chief of Police. We appreciate your input and current performance and for that you are hereby formally recognized and commended with a copy of this citation being submitted to the Mayor and Police Commissioner to become apart of your permanent personnel record for all to observe.”
“Congratulations on a job well done!”

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