Johnson Named Part Time Airport Manager

The Smithville Aldermen Monday night named Joe Johnson as the new part time manager of the Municipal Airport.
Johnson was recommended for the job by the city’s airport board.
Roth Terrell, a member of the airport board, announced the recommendation to the mayor and aldermen. “We would like to present to the city council Joe Johnson as a part time airport manager. We feel that Joe has the experience that we’ve been looking for. He has the knowledge on many levels of airport operation. He has served as airport manager at that airport once before. He has had many years of experience in aviation. He also has knowledge in construction and electronics. There are many things he has qualifications for so we feel like he would be best suited to fill that position,” said Terrell.
The former airport manager, Wes Nokes resigned on July 2, 2015. His last day was July 16.
In November the city’s airport board met to discuss the future of the airport and whether to recommend that the city employ another full time manager or have a part time manager or lease the airport to a fixed based operator.
The city later settled on having a part time manager and advertised the position in February. Six candidates were considered for the job. The airport board met and reviewed the applications and resumes on March 3. Four days later the board narrowed the number to two candidates. Johnson then emerged as the board’s recommendation for the job.

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