Hale Picks Up Petition To Run For School Board

One person has already picked up a petition to run for the school board in the fifth district.
Kevin D. Hale of Dearman Street plans to seek the position currently held by W.J. (Dub) Evins, III.
Petitions for the 5th and 6th district school board races can now be picked up at the DeKalb County Election Commission office.
School board members, who run as non-partisan candidates, are elected in even-numbered years in August with the membership being staggered. In August 2012, members in Districts 5 and 6 are to be elected. The qualifying deadline for this election is NOON, April 5.
Sixth district member Bruce Parsley, who was elected to the school board in 2008, resigned effective December 31, 2011. Parsley told WJLE Friday that the reason he stepped down is because he is furthering his education seeking to become a teacher. He is already serving as a substitute teacher. Under state law, teachers apparently cannot serve as members of the board of education.

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