Fire Damages Center Hill Village Apartments

A fire Wednesday night destroyed one apartment and damaged others at Center Hill Village Apartments on South College Street.
Smithville Fire Chief Charlie Parker says neighbors heard a smoke alarm and saw fire coming from apartments in the “C” building.
Firefighters were alerted around 6:30 p.m.
Chief Parker says the apartment of Molly Johnson on the first floor was destroyed in the blaze. She was not at home at the time of the fire and was not injured.
The fire spread to the second floor apartment of Brandon Smith, causing some damage. Smith was also not home at the time of the fire and was not hurt.
Another vacant second floor apartment was heavily damaged by the fire, and another vacant first floor apartment received some smoke and water damage.
Residents in three apartments across the hall from the apartment fires were safely evacuated from the building.
The cause of the blaze is undetermined.

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