DeKalb Hospital Celebrates Being Stroke Ready

This past month, DeKalb Community Hospital completed a successful stroke drill and training with Saint Thomas Health to make them the newest member of the St. Thomas Health Stroke Network. This affiliation comes from hard work in an effort to expand accessible, quality care to stroke patients in outlying areas. On Wednesday, June 12th, the hospital hosted a reception and ribbon cutting to honor this important event. A wide range of community support was shown, as a broad group of people turned out for the event including public officials, local businesses, hospital board members and staff, local doctors, and our public library along with out of town guests from Riverpark Hospital. The hospital was also honored by a special visit from St. Thomas RNS Director, Amy Howard.
“It warms my heart to see all of these wonderful people who took time to come out and celebrate this very important event in the life of our hospital,” Sue Conley, CEO of DeKalb Community Hospital and Stones River Hospital smiles, “We are very proud to be recognized as stroke ready. The staff has worked very hard to make this happen. I also want to speak out to the community to say that if you, or anyone you know shows any possible sign of a stroke, …do not wait. Every second counts, and you should go straight to the ER to help avoid permanent disability. It is our job to take care of you, but we can’t do that properly if you don’t act fast.”
DeKalb Community Hospital wants to educate the community as a part of being stroke ready by acting F.A.S.T.
F – Face Drooping
A– Arm Weakness
S– Speech Difficulty
T – Time to call 911
“A stroke is not only dangerous due to the risk of life, but the permanent disability that can follow,” CNO Kim Frazier states, “It is so very important that we treat a stroke victim as quickly as possible, and that time starts before you ever get to the hospital. Don’t spend time debating with someone that appears to have signs of a stroke. Just get them to a hospital or call 911.”
For more information on DeKalb Community Hospital and The Saint Thomas Health Stroke Network, go to
Photo: Sue Conley, CEO (center) cuts the ribbon to celebrate that DeKalb Community Hospital is the newest member of the St. Thomas Health Stroke Network. She is surrounded by friends, colleagues, public officials, businesses and community supporters outside of the DeKalb Community Hospital Emergency Room.

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