DCHS Seniors to Take ‘Senior Walk’ at Elementary Schools to Inspire Younger Students

Graduation is two weeks away for DCHS seniors but next Friday, May 19 members of the graduating class will take a “Senior Walk” down memory lane, returning to Smithville Elementary and DeKalb West Schools where they once attended.
The seniors will stroll the halls of the schools in their caps and gowns as the elementary students look on. It will give the soon to be graduates a chance to reminisce, see their former teachers, and to inspire the youngsters to follow in their footsteps.
“On May 19 we will be traveling to Smithville Elementary and DeKalb West School. We are doing our first ever “Senior Walk”. Our seniors are going back to where they started with their caps and gowns and we are going to parade through the halls and let the kindergarten students see what graduation is all about. We are really excited about that,” DCHS Principal Kathy Bryant told the Board of Education Thursday night.
It’s the first year for a DCHS Senior Walk but it may become a yearly tradition for each graduating class.
Meanwhile, Principal Bryant updated the school board on other important dates upcoming at DCHS.
“We have our final exams next week. On Tuesday, May 16 we will administer 5th & 6th blocks, Wednesday 3rd & 4th blocks, and on Thursday 1st & 2nd blocks,” she said.
“We are also showing tonight and Saturday night our DCHS musical titled “The Little Mermaid”. That begins at 7 p.m. each night in the auditorium”.
“I would like to congratulate our softball team. They are district champs and they will be hosting the regional tournament Monday night at 6 p.m.,” Bryant continued.
“On Monday May 22 we will have our “Senior Award and Scholarship Night” at 6 p.m. in the gym and graduation will be at 7 p.m. on Friday, May 26 on the football field. We’re hoping and praying for fair weather,” Bryant concluded.
Meanwhile in her report to the board, Assistant DeKalb Middle School Principal Amanda Dakas said the 8th grade musical is scheduled next week. “This coming Tuesday night, May 16 we will have the DeKalb Middle School 8th grade musical and we invite everyone in the community to come and be apart. It has a Disney theme this year and I think everyone will be pleasantly surprised. We have a lot of faculty involved in this year’s production as well. It will be lots of fun,” said Dakas.
Karen Knowles, Principal at Northside Elementary School, said lots of activities are also set for next week there. “Wednesday, May 17 we’ll have our awards day. We’ve broken that up this year. It will be 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grades at 8:15 a.m.. Fifth grade will be by itself with their DARE graduation. Kick-off for 5th grade activities will be at 9:45 a.m. On Thursday we will have our musical at 8:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m., and 6:30 p.m. On Friday our talent show will be at 12:45 p.m. You can come out anytime Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday and find something fun going on at Northside,” said Principal Knowles.
Director of Schools Patrick Cripps updated the board on personnel leaves of absences and resignations/retirements announced within the past month.
Leave of Absence: Connie Haggard.
Resignations: Jacob Parsley, James Porter, and Michael Shaw.
“I’d like to recognize three educators that are retiring and starting a new part of their life and we would like to thank them for everything they have given to our community. That is Lisa Cripps, Regina Kent, and Michael Lewis. Thank you for what you have done for DeKalb County and our educational system,” said Director Cripps.

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