Congressman Diane Black Speaks at DeKalb GOP Reagan Day Dinner

Congressman Diane Black supports President Donald Trump’s decision to take military action in response to the deadly chemical weapons attack in Syria on Tuesday.
Representative Black, who was in Smithville Friday night for the annual Reagan Day Dinner sponsored by the DeKalb County Republican Party, told WJLE that the U.S. missile strikes Thursday night on a Syrian airbase should send a clear message to the Bashar al-Assad regime.
“I do believe we have to react when we have a tyrant who is killing his own people. I am proud that the president made that decision that he was going to show that the United States is not going to stand for those kinds of atrocities,” said Congressman Black.
Meanwhile, Congressman Black said she is pleased the U.S. Senate confirmed President Trump’s nominee, Judge Neil M. Gorsuch to the U.S. Supreme Court this week. The vote was 54-45.
Democrats had staged a highly unusual filibuster to block the nominee but Republicans responded by changing the long-standing Senate rules to allow filibusters of Supreme Court nominees to be broken with 51 votes rather than the previous 60.
“I frankly believe the Senate rules are crazy to begin with because a majority should be 51 and not 60 so the changing of those rules obviously was necessary because of the Democrats being very partisan. Judge Gorsuch is a good man. A man who had many good things said about him by the very people who said they wouldn’t support him so this was very partisan and I am glad they (Senate Republicans) did what they did. We needed a good man like Judge Gorsuch on our Supreme Court. I am very proud of that,” said Congressman Black.
On healthcare, Congressman Black, who chairs the House Budget Committee, said she is optimistic that the Trump administration and congressional Republicans can still reach common ground on a bill that could win enough votes for House approval.
“We are continuing to work on the healthcare bill. I am insistent that we are going to get this healthcare bill passed. The people of Tennessee and across this country are suffering under Obama Care. We see rising premiums and rising co-pays where people cannot use their insurance. And in many places there is not even an option any longer because insurers have pulled out of the market. We’re going to keep working until we get this right and we pass this for the American people,” Congressman Black said.

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