Community Rallies in Support of DeKalb Prevention Coalition

The DeKalb Prevention Coalition and Community Advisory Board hosted preachers, pastors, church and community members on Tuesday, November 10 in an effort to partner with the faith-based communities to build a recovery network comprised of compassionate and concerned citizens. The event was a huge success with over 50 people in attendance. The State of Tennessee Department of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services (TDMHSAS) has launched an exciting, new mission partnering with faith-based communities across the state. The churches in DeKalb who get involved with this initiative will be reaching out to those struggling with addictions and connecting them to vital substance abuse services.
The featured speaker was Monty Burks, who is the Director of Faith Based Initiative for TDMHSAS. During the meeting he said, “There are more than 11,000 churches and faith-based organizations in the State of Tennessee. Imagine if we all came together in the fight against addiction? People recover from addiction every day. Families are rebuilt. Lives are restored. But recovery rarely happens in a vacuum. It takes a community willing to stand beside the person, to support them, and to help lead them out of the darkness.”
The DeKalb Prevention Coalition is planning a workshop in January, with a date to be announced, to host the interested churches to help fill out the application to become a certified recovery church as well as to answer any questions or overcome any obstacles your church may be facing in this process. If your church or faith based organization is interested in becoming a Certified Recovery Church please go to and fill out the questionnaire or you can contact Norene Puckett at 615-215-8690 or

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