City Adopts Budget Amendment Authorizing Funds for Purchase of Ladder Truck

The Smithville Aldermen Monday night adopted a budget amendment ordinance on first reading appropriating the funding for the purchase of a ladder truck for the city fire department.
Two weeks ago, the aldermen voted 5-0 to seek bids for a new or demonstration ladder truck, but in an opinion by the Municipal Technical Advisory Service, the process should not begin to buy the truck until the funding is authorized.
During Monday night’s meeting, Mayor Taft Hendrixson presented an ordinance “amending this year’s budget by appropriating $750,000 in capital outlay funds for the Volunteer Fire Department for the purpose of advertising for an aerial ladder truck.” The ordinance was adopted on a four to nothing vote. Alderman Gayla Hendrix was absent.
Second and final reading will follow a public hearing during a special meeting on Tuesday, April 24 at 7:00 p.m. at city hall.
In making the motion to seek bids earlier this month, Alderman Shawn Jacobs said ” I make the following motion. That the city immediately advertise for bids for a new or demonstration ladder truck meeting the specifications enumerated by Chief Charlie Parker and that said ladder truck be paid for under a lease purchase plan or financial arrangement as determined by this board as the plan most beneficial to the city. Since the city has more than the anticipated cost of the ladder truck in its financial reserves, this should result in no tax increase,” said Alderman Jacobs.
Mayor Hendrixson said he saw no reason to pay interest under a lease purchase plan when the city has sufficient reserve funds to make the purchase. He pointed out though that an appropriation of $750,000 would take a big chunk out of the city’s capital reserve funds, about 20%.

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