Burton and Ray Honored at GOP Lincoln Day Dinner

The DeKalb County Republican Women’s Club hosted the Fifth Annual Lincoln Day Dinner Friday night at the Elizabeth Chapel Baptist Church.
Two long time party leaders, Walter Burton and Ernest Ray were recognized for their devotion and service.
Burton is a former DeKalb County Republican Party Chairman, a former Volunteer Firefighter, and he is a member of the Smithville Industrial Development Board. Burton is owner and operator of Voyager Carpets.
Ray is a former teacher, principal, and Superintendent of Schools.
Both were presented plaques by party treasurer Dennis Stanley.
Lieutenant Governor Ron Ramsey was the keynote speaker at the dinner.
Ramsey talked about recent Republican gains in the State House and Senate and issues over which Democrats and Republicans on Capitol Hill disagree, including how to address Illegal Immigration.
The State Senate is divided with 16 Republicans, 16 Democrats, and one Independent, while in the State House, Democrats have a four seat majority.
Ramsey says Republicans have a chance to pick up seats this year in both the House and Senate including the seat Frank Buck is giving up.
Other speakers during the dinner included Robin Smith, Tennessee GOP Chairperson, State Senator Mae Beavers, and Conservative Radio Talk Show Host Steve Gill, who served as the master of ceremonies.

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